Engraving i. The process of making a design on a hard surface by inscribing it with a point. 2. By extension, an intaglio print made by cutting into the printing surface with a point. See also etching, copper engraving, wood engraving.
etching i. The process of making a design on a metal plate by means of the action of acid. The design is scratched through an acid-resistant coating, or etching-ground, with a needle, exposing these parts of the metal beneath. The plate is then immersed in an acid bath, where the acid bites into the lines of the design. The longer the plate is left, the deeper the lines become. Repeated bitings may be used to emphasize certain parts of the design, the rest being protected (stopped out) with varnish. This technique is often combined with engraving. 2. A print produced by this method.
Reçine veya bitüm kaplı plakalar veya silindirler kullanan, fotografik olarak gravürlenmiş veya gravür olarak oyulmuş ticari bir baskı işlemi.
Gravure A commercial printing process using resin- or bitumen-coated plates or cylinders, photographically etched or engraved in intaglio.
Photo: https://shivanienterprises.com/blog/gravure-printing/
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