Cosgrave, Bronwyn. Kostüm ve Modanın Tam Tarihi: Eski Mısır'dan Günümüze. New York: Checkmark Books, 2000. “Kraliyet Taçları.” Mısırbilim Çevrimiçi. http://www.egyptologyonline.com /pharaoh’s_crowns.htm (24 Temmuz 2003'te erişildi). Watson, Philip J. Eski Mısır Kostümü. New York: Chelsea House, 1987. [Ayrıca bkz. Cilt 1, Eski Mısır: Hiyerogliflerin Gizeminin Çözülmesi kutusu, s. 18]
Antik Mısır döenmi Giyim / Ancient Egypt Clothes
Antik Mısır Giysileri / Ancient Egypt Clothes
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Elbise / Egyptian Clothes; Dress
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Keten / Egyptian Clothes The Importance of Linen
Antik Mısır Giyimi; İdeal ve Gerçek / Egyptian Clothes; Ideal of Reality
Antik Mısır Giyimi; / Ancient Egypt Clothes; Kalasiris
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Peştemal ve Pantolon Etek / Ancient Egypt Clothes Loitcloth and loit skirt
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Penis Kılıfı / Ancient Egypt Clothes; Penis sheah
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Shenti / Ancient Egypt Clothes; Shenti
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Tunik / Ancient Egypt Clothes; Tunic
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Şapkalar / Ancient Egypt Clothes; Headwear
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Başlıklar / Ancient Egypt Clothes; Headdress
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Pişent / Ancient Egypt Clothes; Pycient
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Peruklar / Ancient Egypt Clothes; Wigs
Eski Mısır Vücut Süslemeleri / Ancient Egypt Body Decoration
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Yakalar ve Pektoraller / Ancient Egypt Clothes; Collars and Pektorals
Antik Mısır; Kokulu Yağlar ve Merhemler / Ancient Egypt Fragrant Oils and Ointments
Antik Mısır; Mücevherler / Anciant Egypt; Jewelery
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Kohl / Ancient Egypt; Kohl
Antik Mısır Ayakkabılari / Ancient Egypt Footwear
Antik Mısır Giyimi; Sandalet / Ancient Egypt Clothes; Sandals
The single most important piece of headwear in all of Egyptian history was the pschent, the crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. Historians believe that Upper Egypt (surrounding the upper Nile River in the south of present-day Egypt and in Sudan) and Lower Egypt (most of present-day Egypt) were united in about 3100 B.C.E. by King Menes. The rulers of Upper and Lower Egypt each wore a different type of crown. The White Crown of Upper Egypt, known as the hedjet, was a white helmet that was shaped much like half a football with a stretched out, rounded end. It also had a coiled uraeus, or sacred hooded cobra, just above the forehead. The Red Crown of Lower Egypt, known as the deshret, was a round, flattopped hat that extended down the back of the neck and had a tall section that projected upward from the back side. From the base of the projection a thin reed curled up and forward, ending in a spiral. When King Menes united the two Egypts, he combined the hat into the pschent, or Double Crown. The pschent had as its base the Red Crown, which completely covered the wearer’s hair. The White Crown emerged out of the top of the Red Crown. From the time of King Menes on, nearly every pharaoh from the Old Kingdom (c. 2700–c. 2000 B.C.E.), Middle Kingdom (c. 2000–c. 1500 B.C.E.), and New Kingdom (c. 1500–c. 750 B.C.E.) is depicted wearing the pschent in hieroglyphs, pictures of Egyptian life that are preserved in tombs. The pschent symbolized the power of the pharaohs who ruled over one of the greatest empires of the ancient world.
Cosgrave, Bronwyn. The Complete History of Costume and Fashion: From Ancient Egypt to the Present Day. New York: Checkmark Books, 2000. “Royal Crowns.” Egyptology Online. http://www.egyptologyonline.com /pharaoh’s_crowns.htm (accessed on July 24, 2003). Watson, Philip J. Costume of Ancient Egypt. New York: Chelsea House, 1987. [See also Volume 1, Ancient Egypt: Unraveling the Mystery of Hieroglyphs box on p. 18]
Kaynak: S. Pendergast, T. Pendergast, S. Hermsen, Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages, Thomson Gale, 2023
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